Declared in NSString+DBJSON.h


  • – JSONFragmentValue

    Returns the object represented in the receiver, or nil on error.

    Returns a a scalar object represented by the string’s JSON fragment representation. (Deprecated: Given we bill ourselves as a “strict” JSON library, this method should be removed.)

  • – JSONValue

    Returns the NSDictionary or NSArray represented by the current string’s JSON representation.

    Returns the dictionary or array represented in the receiver, or nil on error.

    Returns the NSDictionary or NSArray represented by the current string’s JSON representation.

Instance Methods


Returns the object represented in the receiver, or nil on error.

Returns a a scalar object represented by the string’s JSON fragment representation. (Deprecated: Given we bill ourselves as a “strict” JSON library, this method should be removed.)

- (id)JSONFragmentValue

Declared In



Returns the NSDictionary or NSArray represented by the current string’s JSON representation.

Returns the dictionary or array represented in the receiver, or nil on error.

Returns the NSDictionary or NSArray represented by the current string’s JSON representation.

- (id)JSONValue

Declared In